Should You Sell Your House or Rent It Out?

by Sam Hall

Maybe you landed a new job in a new city, perhaps you want to go to your loved ones, or perhaps you want to turn a new leaf of life and move somewhere far away. But, if you own a home, what will you do with it before moving out? Should you sell your house or rent it out? Nobody can make this decision for you, that is a fact. But, we can help you ease the process of decision-making.

So, you should know that what you will do depends only on your needs and personal preferences! Moreover, it should also depend on your present and your future! Think about how your home fits you now and will it still fit five or ten years from now. Put everything on the paper. Then, take a look at our text. Maybe the tips here can also help you out. Keep on reading to see what a better solution for you is - to sell your house or rent it out.

When Should You Sell Your House?

There are occasions when buying a house is better than renting it. In the same way, there are also occasions when selling your home is better than renting it. So what are these occasions? For instance, selling your house is a much better option if you need the cash tied up in it to buy something else (another house or apartment). Or, it is a much better option if you are moving somewhere far away and cannot maintain that current house properly. In other words, you may not yet be ready to be a landlord. And, of course, we cannot but mention the occasion when you are financially unstable and need the money to pay off your mortgage debt. Of course, these are just three out of many events when you should consider selling your house. But, the truth is, there are many more reasons - and they are all legitimate!

A woman holding a 'sold' sign, representing whether you should sell your house or rent it out.
There are many occasions when selling your house is better than renting out.

When Should You Rent Your House?

Now, let us move on to the occasions when renting your house is a much better option than selling it. Renting is always better if you are moving out temporarily. Or when you want to use that property as a rental investment that will provide you with a steady income in years to come. Some people also rent out their houses just enough to save some money for the down payment for a new property. Others are unsure what to do and decide to 'test the water' somewhere else before committing.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why you should rent your house rather than sell it. If you have trouble making this decision and haven't recognized yourself in any of these occasions, it might be a good idea to consult a financial advisor or even a real estate agent. It is always better to talk to an expert before taking a massive step like this.

The Pros and Cons of Selling Your House

Sometimes, making a decision as big as this one (whether to sell or rent your property) is just too difficult. When this happens, it is best to wait. However, what if a decision like this cannot wait? For example, what if you are leaving Texas and moving to a different state? What if that means you have to decide what to do with the house now? Well, then, you should start thinking about all the pros and cons of selling and renting your home.

Let us begin with the pros and cons of selling your house. Pros would be released equity needed for buying a new home, not having to pay capital gains tax, not being a landlord, etc. Cons would be missing out on the further growth of your house, preparing the home for sale, and possibly waiting for it to sell for a long time, finding a way to pay off the already existing mortgage, etc.

A real estate agent selling a house.
Always consider all the pros and cons of selling your house before making any decision!

The Pros and Cons of Renting Your House

Finally, let us cover some of the most important pros and cons of renting out your house. For instance, some of the pros would be having a steady income, the possibility of benefiting from long-term capital growth, allowing rent to cover your new mortgage, having a place to go back to in case some circumstances change, etc.

The cons of renting your house can be not having enough money to make a significant investment, a lot of maintenance costs, paying taxes for owning two properties, paying capital gains tax, dealing with different tenants, etc. Again, hire an expert to help you out if you are not sure. The right real estate agent can advise you on whether you should sell your house or rent it out, depending on the current market trends, home prices, rent rates, etc.

A man giving house keys to a couple.
Know what you are getting into before you decide to rent out your house!


Hopefully, we have helped you decide whether you should sell your house or rent it out. The most important thing is not to rush. Take your time to determine what the best option for you is. Moreover, do not look at these pros and cons too strictly. What is good for somebody else may not suit you and vice versa. For instance, you may not consider becoming a landlord as

something bad, while others may dread that idea. Every house, every situation, and every person is different. So, take a deep breath. Put everything on the paper. And, take your time to make the best possible decision.



Sam Hall

Partner | Lic# 670981

+1(210) 835-6007

3303 Lee Pkwy Suite 200, Dallas, TX, 75219
